Workshop: Kosmos Jazz

for families with children aged 6+

Sold out 4 | 8

Jazz is a fascinating type of music that represents a special attitude to life for many fans. Moreover, jazz is accessible to anyone. The famous pianist Herbie Hancock says: »Jazz has an inclusive spirit«, and that applies to the workshop »Kosmos Jazz« as well: Participants don’t need any musical knowledge; they get to know some typical jazz instruments in a relaxed atmosphere, have the chance to try them out, and play their first piece of jazz together at the end.

Please note: This workshop is aimed at families with children aged 6+.
Children younger than six years may not participate in this workshop.

Estimated end time


Promoter: HamburgMusik

Gefördert durch die Stiftung Elbphilharmonie aus Mitteln des Körber Fonds »ZukunftsMusik«

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