Jazz Piano

Well-known faces and young go-getters: in this season’s venerable series in the Laeiszhalle Recital Hall, five masters of jazz piano can once again be experienced in an intimate atmosphere

Nduduzu Makhathini
Nduduzu Makhathini © Ezra Makgope

In this venerable series in the Laeiszhalle Recital Hall, five jazz piano virtuosos can be experienced in an intimate atmosphere. Kris Davis makes an appearance with a superb band in which live electronics play an integral role. Nduduzo Makhathini provides us with healing vibes from South Africa from his piano. Benjamin Lackner has gathered the crème de la crème for his quintet, while Sullivan Fortner is the piano genius of the moment. And Gonzalo Rubalcaba and the Frenchman Pierreck Padron form a duo that plays together like a dream.

Promoter: HamburgMusik

Supported by Stiftung Elbphilharmonie

This subscription comprises 5 concerts

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