Workshop: Kosmos Jazz

for families with children aged 6+

Ticket sale starts on 4 Feb 2025 at 11:00 Tickets 8 8

Jazz is a fascinating genre of music that represents a special attitude to life for many fans. Moreover, jazz is accessible to anyone. The famous pianist Herbie Hancock says, »Jazz has an inclusive spirit,« and that applies to the workshop »Kosmos Jazz« as well: participants don’t need any musical knowledge; they get to know some typical jazz instruments in a relaxed atmosphere, have the chance to try them out, and play their first piece of jazz together at the end.

Please note: this workshop is aimed at families with children aged six and above. Children younger than six may not participate in this workshop. All participants need a ticket.

Estimated end time

13:30 / 15:30

Promoter: HamburgMusik

Supported by Stiftung Elbphilharmonie with funding from the Körber Foundation’s »ZukunftsMusik«

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