Podiumsdiskussion bei der Elbphilharmonie Jazz Academy
Video on demand from 15 Aug 2023

Live Talk »Elbphilharmonie Jazz Academy«: What is Jazz today?

A panel discussion with the top-class teachers of the one-week Jazz Masterclass at the Elbphilharmonie.

Between tradition and innovation, always under the influence of ever new aesthetics and styles:What is jazz today? And what direction is it likely to take, with a constant influx of new talent on the one hand and the gradual retirement of the figureheads of the past on the other? These interesting questions are the subject of a panel discussion at this year’s Elbphilharmonie Jazz Academy.

On the podium will be all the teachers – clarinettist Anat Cohen, singer Clarice Assad, saxophonist Donny McCaslin, pianist Sullivan Fortner, bass player Martin Wind and percussionist Matt Wilson. The presenter is Götz Bühler, a knowledgeable observer of the jazz scene for many years in a variety of functions. Next year he takes up the position of artistic director of jazzahead! Bremen, the number one jazz festival in Europe.

Please note: the panel discussion will be held in English.

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